Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A box, a beverage and still life

Images for the mid-term assignment in PH 210 have been printed and are ready for critique this afternoon. Our task was to learn how to control the light source and to remember color combinations.
The assignment was to photograph in the studio:
1. A still life
2. A beverage that looks drinkable or a
3. Box and a bottle that relate to each other.
I re-worked each of these 3 times before I captured a suitable image.
I'm pretty sure that I am not cut out to be a product photographer. David and I would starve!
Which image do you think is most successful?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Moonlight over Lake Pat Mayse

David and I went to Pat Mayse Lake to take pictures of the full moon. This was harder than I thought it would be to get a sharp image along with the mood of the moonlight. It was fun!

The full moon

I was in Arlington, Texas, getting some gas and I glanced up at the moon. The birds in the trees seemed to be looking at the moon as well. So, I pulled out my camera and took a shot.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Skipper's back yard

Last night was a perfect spring evening for a barbecue in the backyard of Skipper's house. Everytime we go over to Skipper's house I am awed by the history of this old homestead. His ancestor, George Wright is the person who offered the land for what is now Paris, Texas.
I wonder how many founding fathers of Paris and Lamar County have sat outside on this particular lawn and discussed the politics of the day.
As we were sitting and talking I couldn't help but notice the play of light on an old shed, the way the light was hitting the old bathtub in the garden and the light streaming from the back door. I didn't bring my camera but David had his. He let me use his camera and tripod to take the images of the evening.
Thank you Skipper and Paul for inviting to share the evening.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Paris in a fog

I stepped outside the building late last night to get a breath of fresh air and became transfixed with the colors of the stop lights in the fog.

We seldom have fog in Paris or least I seldom see it. A storm had blown through earlier in the day bringing cool air. I hate to admit it but I don't remember what was taught in science class about how fog is created.

I forgot all about the guests at the Mardi Gras celebration and went upstairs to get my camera and the tripod. I drifted to the corner of 1st and Houston and started taking pictures.

I now realize that I don't quite know how to control the light in the fog but I sure had fun trying to capture the moment.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

National Pinhole Photography Day

Eleventh Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

News Release from the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day

The Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (WPPD) celebrates its eleventh edition. The international event that promotes the fantasy, art, fun and experience of lens-less photography, will occur on April 24, 2011 and expects to break last year's record that saw the participation of over 3400 photographers from all over the world. Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day is always the last Sunday in April.

In 2011. Since this is also Easter Sunday, for 2011 only, we will accept pinhole photographs taken between April 23 and May 1.

Everyone in the world is invited to take a picture with a pinhole camera during between April 23 and May 1 and upload it to One photo by each artist will become part of the internet's premier pinhole photography gallery.

Pinhole photos are taken without a lens but simply through a small hole, about the size of the period at the end of a sentence. Photos can be made using regular cameras, including digital, fitted with a pinhole aperture. Refined results can be obtained using pinhole cameras purposely made for the lens-less photography. It is creative, funny and educational to use a self-made camera from ordinary items such as shoe boxes, peeled tomato cans or tea boxes. Any container that can be made light-tight can become a pinhole camera.

An increasing number of people are showing interest in the exciting practice of pinhole photography. In 2001, 291 pinhole photographers from 24 countries took part in the web exhibition. Last year they were 3449 from 70 countries.


Anyone want to participate? I have some extra pinhole cameras.

Call me and let's get this party started. 903.783.1132

Friday, March 4, 2011

Have you ever been to the sweetest little town in Texas? Well, David and I ate dinner there after a meeting last night. Honey Grove is just down the road from Paris on HWY 82.

As we were eating supper on the square in Honey Grove we began admiring the cobbled stone streets and the quaint lights. As soon as the meal was finished we took out our cameras and began taking pictures of the square at night.

We were in David's car so I didn't have my tripod. The pictures I took of the downtown area are all hand held and at a high ISO. So, they aren't sharp and they are grainy but what the heck, we had a ball just walking the streets and snapping away.

On the other hand, David did have his tripod. Oh, my gosh! Wait until you see his pictures of downtown Honey Grove at night.
The Honey Grove Library is planning a photography exhibit on Thursday, March 31st from 5-9 or so. Boy, I hope David has some of his images printed and framed to hang in their show.

By the way, the exhibit is open to everyone. They will love it if you bring your best photo(s) to show! For more details call Patsy at 903.227.8951.

As for me, I think I am just going to consider the images posted here to be test shots. I'm going back some day real soon with my tripod on my shoulder and my camera batteries charged!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A day at the horse farm

Tuesday, David's photography class traveled to a horse farm near Honey Grove, Texas to take pictures. Chad Smith, the teacher, graciously allowed me to tag along.

We shot between the hours of about 10 am to noon. It was hard for me to get my exposures correct. You have to think fast around horses!

The horse farm was just beautiful. The day was beautiful and the horses were stunning. I'd like to have the opportunity to return to the farm at day break or sun set to try to take a true portrait of these absolutely beautiful animals.

Copyrighted Pictures

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