Sunday, March 28, 2010

Beautiful and Fun Brittney!

This child truly could be America's Next Top Model. We had so much fun chasing the setting sun on Saturday. The wind was blowing so hard that it felt as if a hurricane was coming up from the Gulf. Brittney braved the wind and the sun in her eyes to get just the right shot.

Can you tell that we are from Texas?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Moments with Melanie and her mother

My friend Melanie allowed me to spend some time with her and her mother on Saturday morning. What a beautiful relationship between two extraordinary women.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Kickin it with Kevin

What a trooper!

Kevin wrote on my Facebook that he would let me photograph him for my assignment this week. We did some prelimanary shots this afternoon that turned out kind of fun.

We are planning on taking some more this Sunday on their ranch. Yeah..!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Open Assignment

For Spring Break, our Photo 112 teacher, Chad Smith, at Texas A&M Commerce gave us an open assignment and told us to shoot whatever we wish. He added that "they better be good!"

I decided to take pictures of things I see going to and from work and school. Since I have a really bad case of Spring Fever and just can not make myself stay in the office, I have lots of other images I'll be posting this week.

Let me know the ones you like the most. I'm trying to decide which ones to print and prepare for critique.

Please keep in mind these are all copyright images and not for personal use! Your honesty will be most appreciated. My goal is to sell some of my photographs some day.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Circles of Confusion

Our second part of our assignment this week in Photo 112 class concerns depth of field and the concept of circles of confusion. Circles of confusion is a disc of light in the image where a point on the subject is not perfectly brought into focus. The eye cannot distinguish between a very small circle of confusion and a true point.

I've taken quite a few pictures trying to get this assignment and I don't think I have quite conquered it yet. It goes against my nature not to focus on an eye or a central point of interest.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Shallow Depth of Field

Our aperture prints with a shallow depth of field are due on Tuesday for critique in class.

A small depth of field is effective by emphasizing the subject while de-emphasizing the foreground and background.

Copyrighted Pictures

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