The guy at Bongo's Tattoo parlor wouldn't give Barbie a tat. Said it was too time consuming. I wanted a 'Born to be Wild' inking but he just wasn't that in to her. Damn.
I have a lot of other poses of her with different lighting and another Barbie doll but I'm afrain that Google might give me the boot. Literally.
Sorry about the cliche Christmas village scene. David has been collecting those little porcelain pieces for years. He was pulling for the little guys to be in the shoot.There is not a tableau that goes into great detail but I did try all kinds of different ways to light each set of toys. If the lights ever go out, I am set. There are 6 different flash lights in varying sizes on the table. One flashlight has plastic colored pieces to go over it if I ever need red, yellow or blue gels.
All things considered, I probably spent about 20 hours on this project. There are about 600-700 shots in this week's file.