Sunday, September 27, 2009

Portrait of Tallie Moore Bush

These are pictures of artist, Tallie Moore Bush.

She wants a picture to put on her website at:

Our plan is to take some more pictures of her in natural lighting and also at her studio.

Any comments or suggestions will be most appreciated.


  1. Ginger
    Great pix of Tallie. By far my favorite is the top one, as it captures her face, stance, persona best. Her smile in it is natural. The 2nd from the top captures her incredible eyes (I like eyes!!) but it's not her smile. I kinda like the 3rd one, nice smile. These 3 are your best of Tallie.
    Good work.
    Larry Love

  2. I like the top one best too. Her smile is so warm and her eyes dance.
    Anna Belle

  3. I like #2 best, but #1 is a close second. Do not like #3.

  4. I love them all!! Of course, I'm very, very biased. Tallie knows me as "Bee" and I've seen all of these expressions and a few more - not all of which were joyfully approving of my behavior.. ;) but all offered with the love of a mom (or a close second).

    But one of my absolute favorite things to ever have been blessed with is seeing Tallie as she appears in #1 as it appears we might be on the verge of witnessing Tallie's talent & skill as she prepares to bring her art to life.

    I also like the last photo as there are other sides of Tallie - such as the one that would like to share in friendship and enterprise with those who also love living beings, lives a vibrant life and enjoys connections with others.

    [Sending much love out via the www to Tallie! <3 Bee)

  5. Ahh, the always beautiful Tallie! Her inner beauty shines in each of these shots making them even more personal. I think I like picture #1 most as it captures the joy she carries around with her all the time. Tallie loves passionately and it shows in each of these incredible photographs.


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