Sunday, October 25, 2009

From the hip on Bourbon Street about midnight

In photography class last semester, Vaughn Wascovich showed us pictures where a photographer randomly shot urban street pictures from the camera on his hip. Sorry, but I don't remember the photographer but I remembered the technique while walking down Bourbon Street about midnight last week.

This was so much fun. I didn't try to focus. I didn't try to compose the picture. I just walked down the street with the camera about hip level and randomly clicked when something struck me as interesting.

People didn't react because they thought they were getting their picture taken. In fact, no one paid any attention to me at all. I did use a flash but I was already down the street and most people didn't know where the flash came from anyway.

These aren't the best pictures in the world but they were really fun to take!

1 comment:

  1. I adore from-the-hip shots. And these are really fun.

    Especially since they came from New Orleans. :)


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