Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The last plate

In the New York Times, on Sunday, March 8, 2009, on page 26 of the Arts & Leisure section is a story by Carol Kino about Norman Rockwell. I know, I know, you probably consider his art to be hockey and too sentimental. But, I love his small town depictions. I grew up in a small town and at a time when small children could walk to the local drug store for a malt all by themselves. His pictures were what I visualized as my childhood memories.

Interesting enough, it was Norman Rockwall plates that were the cause of my divorce. I collected those cheesy ceramic plates for 7 years. Each month my left-over grocery money was saved until I had enough to pay for the plate plus shipping and handling. One afternoon in a stupid rage, my ex-husband broke each and every one of my cherished plates. Never mind that he had hit me and sent me to the hospital, it was the last plate that did it for me. I packed my bags, gassed up the car and left that sorry son-of-a-bitch.

I still miss those plates.


  1. Norman Rockwell? Hmmm... I like David Plowden and Wright Morris and Archie Lieberman and Edward Hopper... that sentimental enough for you?!

  2. I'm going to assume that Norman Rockwell would have considered your ex-brute breaking his sentimental plate collection well worth your revelation.

    I've had a similar situation, but my "plates" were a collection of antique Roman rosaries that were broken and torn to bits. Damn angry men and their need to break our valued things. *grunt*


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