Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Puebla Day 2

No volcano eruptions.
No earthquakes.
No banditos.
No drug cartel murders.
Things are good in Puebla.

I spent quite a bit of time with Chris today perusing pictures of what is available to view while I am here in terms of art and photography.  Nayeli, the program coordinator and I continued planning for my "Muerta" picture I want to take while I am here.

I practiced walking in all different directions from the house to make sure I can find my way back home!  The residency is located in a mostly residential area of town.  I want to be able to take the bus to the art museum downtown and be able to come back safely at the end of the day.  Not quite sure I am brave enough quite yet.

Cactus soup for lunch.  Then a mixture of cheese and pablano peppers with refried black beans.  The food is very good.

Buenos dias!



  1. Sounds like you'll have a great time! I will look forward to more pictures. So far, that one with the archway is steps is my favorite, but I also love cats, and your kitty pic is sweet too. What is the dog silhouette at the top of the frame? A real dog or something else?

  2. There are no yards here in Puebla. So the rooftops are where the dogs stand guard. There are two Schnauzers on the roof next door to where I am staying. Nearly all of the roofs have flower and vegtable gardens as well. Annabelle, thanks so much for always commenting on my photographs. You are the only one!


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