Monday, February 4, 2013

The Geese are headed South

There is something about the honking of geese flying high above my head that makes me stop for a moment and ponder the wonder of life.  Today as David and I were headed to Commerce we came upon a field of winter wheat filled with Snow Geese.  They were beautiful.  Much prettier than my picture and much noisier!

I don't know if you can see them very well.  I took this with my iPhone so it isn't very sharp.

I stepped a little too close and they started flying away.

Above are two flocks of Canada Geese near Denton, Texas.  I pulled off the highway and watched flock after flock pass overhead last Tuesday on my way to class.  Must be a sign that Spring is not far behind.

I did see my shadow as the geese flew overhead!


Muffin Tin Lasagna

I'm 56 years old and I still stall when I try to spell lasagna.  My son Eric shared this Muffin Tin Lasagna recipe with me.  You know you have done your job as a Momma when your children start sharing recipes with you.  It was yummy and fun to eat!  Thanks Eric.  We had enough left over to take for lunch.

And yes, I did take these with my iPhone.  That thing is handy as a camera but not as handy as a phone way out in the country!



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