Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lamar County Alphabet

Here are pictures from around Paris and Lamar County making an alphabet.  I think I'll try some more!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Holga images for Pho 369 Class

These images were taken with a cheap Holga camera using 120 film and developed in the dark room.  I am taking PHO 369, Alternative Printmaking, with Chad Smith at Texas A&M Commerce this semester and we are learning how to make prints using old processes from the 1800's.  It is the most fun..ever! I can hardly wait to see what they look like printed!

Friday, February 3, 2012

First image for PHO 369

Last summer when I was visiting my son Eric in Houston we drove by a men's store that was going out of business.  We stopped and the coolest thing for sale were some damaged mannequins.  I paid my $15 and packed my very own damaged Apollo into the car.  He seemed just the item to use for our first assignment.
This semester I am taking and assisting Chad Smith with PHO 369 Alternative Printmaking .  The class is using Holga's with 120 film and old 4x5 camera's to make negatives in order to try different kinds of old printing processes.  This image was taken with an old 4x5 camera. 

To me, this class is as fun as recess was in the 5th grade!

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