Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Frost Moon over Lake Pat Mayse

November 28

It was a full moon tonight.  The only place I could think of to capture the rise of the Frost Moon was over Lake Pat Mayse.  There are so many trees at the horizon line in Lamar County Texas it is hard to find a spot that will allow me to capture the moon as it first begins to rise.  You can see the planet Jupiter to the left.  It is a bit fuzzy.  I'm guessing that my shutter speed was a tad to slow and the aperture open a little too much to stop the motion.

There is something about a the rising of a full moon that still makes my heart race. 



  1. Wow, that is absolutely gorgeous! You did a great job capturing it. I watched the moon rise as I drove home from work, and thought of Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin. The moon was so huge and orange as it rose over the horizon!

    1. Oh, Annabelle. You are an inspiration to me. Thanks so much for your kind comments!


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